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Heligoland39 Project

2024 - 2025

As we lead up to the 85th anniversary of the ditching of Wellington N2980 in Loch Ness, taking place on New Year's Eve 2025, I thought I would update you all on project progress made since our book 'Daylight to Darkness' finally came into print last October.

Relatives of the Heligoland39 RAF crews have received their copies and I thank them for providing Doug and Caroline with so much information and memorabilia which has made the book into a 600 page, 2.2 kg monster of a volume. With relatives living far and wide the book has been distributed to all parts of the UK as well as 10 other countries around the world. Being well received by the many others connected to the research, 250 copies are currently in circulation.


For me the physical book has proved to be a very powerful tool, which demonstrates how committed we have been since 2016, endeavouring to write an accurate text detailing this significant fragment of WW2 history and the part those RAF crewmen involved played in it. From talking about our aspiration in 2017 to produce a book commemorating the men, to now be holding a published copy, is a great achievement. A celebration lunch to mark this was held at Ely on 22 November 2023.

Stories unearthed whilst writing the book have inspired me to to organise various events during 2024-2025. If you would like to engage further with the project and attend some of these gatherings then please feel free to contact us. Further details of the following events will be added to this page as dates become confirmed: 


* In conjunction with the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC), Lincoln and the              Digital Archive managed by the University of Lincoln, two events are being planned:


 18 December 2024 - A Service of Remembrance at the IBCC. It is planned that this event will be broadcast live on the Internet so that those not able to attend in person can take part. It is envisaged that booking will not be necessary for this event and those interested will just be able to turn up on the day. Further details of the event's programme and timings will follow.


 27 February 2025 - A lecture and film presentation regarding the book and project events           subsequent to its publication. Note that this is not a book promotion and sales are not planned.

For further information and to book tickets please follow this link:


We are also in communication with the IBCC regarding the schools education programme that they run which focuses on the 'Three R's' - Remembrance, Recognition and Reconciliation​


* Wells next the Sea, Norfolk - RNLI - A review of Heligoland39 happenings along the East Coast. Relevant to Wellington N2961 which ditched about 60 miles out from Cromer and Wellington N2983 which ditched in the North Sea about 100 miles out from The Wash.

Wells Lifeboat_edited_edited_edited.jpg

 Royal National Lifeboat Royal Silver Jubilee                 Courtesy N.King & R.West - Wells Lifeboat


 * Light aircraft flight from 50 miles east of Grimsby, following the fishing trawler navigation to

    the mouth of the Humber River. Relevant to Wellington N2983 with the crew being picked up

    by the trawler Erillus and taken to Grimsby.


* Filming of the Frisian Islands off the North Coast of Germany from the air and sea. Many of the

   Wellingtons passed over these islands and several aircraft were shot down in the area. Some of

   those that perished, such as crew members of Wellington N2935, were initially buried on the

   islands of Borkum and Juist.


* Cruising Loch Ness and touring the Cairngorms. Relevant to Wellington N2980 which ditched

   in Loch Ness whilst on a training flight on New Year's Eve 1940. It is now on display at

   Brooklands Museum in Surrey.


* A visit to Coventry Cathedral has thrown up an interesting link to our project in terms of 

   our focus on remembrance and reconciliation. The Cathedral became the International Centre

   for Reconciliation (ICR) in 1940 following its devastation by enemy bombs. The founders

  promoted reconciliation rather than seeking revenge. In 2008 the ICR became known as 

  Coventry Cathedral Reconciliation Ministry. We are in contact with the present Dean regarding a

  possible co-operation with our project.  


Courtesy P. Ruff

In conclusion there is a lot going on, so watch this space for updates.

Thank you



Jack Waterfall

Heligoland39 Project Leader

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